Breakfast with Mmusi Maimane

Yesterday Ward 57 had the pleasure to host a breakfast at The Kitchen in Woodstock  for around 30 invited guests who met, chatted with and listened to DA Parliamentary Leader Mmusi Maimane MP, discuss his thoughts, ideas, and insights about South Africa. In a wide ranging speech the following points stand out:

On the ANC: After 20 years in power its leadership has lost the plot, lacks political will or effective leadership and does not respect the Constitution or the institutions of state which are meant to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.  Preferring rather to subvert them to defend their own entrenched interests.

Opposition role: The DA is in for the long haul, as we understand the importance of democratic principles and the need to protect and uphold them as an effective opposition.  This goes beyond grandstanding and means taking the government to task if necessary on a wide array of issues – education, defence, spending, corruption, Eskom – backed up by research.

Corruption: In the budget R9 billion was raised by increasing taxation – R30 billion alone has been lost with corruption, Government should be looking at corruption, and cutting down on wasteful spending.

Education:  It is the only way for the youth to become employable, youth unemployment is the highest it has ever been and current education policies are failing them miserably.

Housing:  New models for financing and housing provision need to be found as the current shortage is not being closed fast enough. Beneficiaries of RDP houses should be given title deeds and ownership after two years if they stay in them.

Walking out of Sona:  The walkout was not planned, it was the only fitting response to what was a clear violation of the integrity of Parliament by policemen dressed as waiters removing EFF MPs, signal jamming and general thuggish behaviour which was an affront to the Constitution.

Growing DA support: Generally twenty years after liberation, governments have a crisis; support dips, the effects of maladministration manifest themselves and the gloss of liberation fades. The DA is growing its support in many areas across the county.  We are showing the people of South Africa that there is a working alternative in our governance of the Western Cape and Cape Town.  Voters are realising this, especially in the urban areas where most people now live and where support is growing quite spectacularly in some areas. Non-voters remain a concern and are an indication of their disillusionment with the ANC government.

Job creation: Small business growth is vital for the economy as small businesses have the potential to create more jobs as they grow and to build economic diversity.

People emigrating:  It is sad, but what is sadder is when they support losing cricket sides :).

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